The Iron Throne Replica
The Throne is made up of four parts: the seat, two armrests, and a backrest. It was designed and created to be sectional, lightweight, portable and easily and quickly installed, necessary for performances on the stage.
Materials: The Throne is made of wood, cardboard, polystyrene, polyurethane foam, iron wire, papier-mâché, a variety of gemstones and lots and lots of patience.
Production: Starting with the seat, the wooden armrests were cut in a way to widen the sitting area, and were attached to the polystyrene backrest. The polystyrene swords were heat-moulded and depth was added using the polyurethane foam, and then carved with box cutters. Both the armrests and the backrest have a pocket made from cardboard and iron wire so as to be easily inserted in special fittings on the seat. The seat is covered in cardboard and wood to simulate the swords which are fused to it. Everything has been covered in papier-mâché and painted with acrylics. After a spray with fixative—voilà! The Iron Throne is ready!
As fans of Game of Thrones/Asoiaf saga, making the Iron Throne was really a dream come true! We specialized in replica and original costumes, props and model from movies, video games, tv series and any other kind of media.
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