Wrong button: it’s one of the most hated things in all of gaming. And it always happens at the most inopportune times, right? Like when you’re strolling down the virtual world you’re inhabiting and you come upon an enemy. Instead of pressing right trigger, you press left bumper and BOOM… you’re dead. Then you throw your remote at the TV and yell at your cats and fume about how much you hate this game… or you finally figure out what to call your blog.
That’s exactly how Wrong Button was born, just two geeks sitting in their living room gaming and trying to decide what to call this attempt at blogging our loves and lives. This blog was designed to not only work as an outlet for us to share all of our most nerdiest thoughts and obsessions, but also as a place for geeks to connect and share in all the frustrations and elations of fandom. Over the past year, Wrong Button has gone from a creative experiment, to a Geekie Award-winning blog!
Wrong Button is the brainchild of Emily Kelley and Peter Kunin, two geeks who happen to love each other. This blog is a collection of musings and happenings from our everyday lives, which more often than not involves a lot of video games, crafts, cooking and movie making.
The Wrong Button Blog is a apart of Wrong Button Media.
- Co-founder: Emily Kelley
- Co-founder: Peter Kunin
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