With a love of miniatures, the inability to eat dairy, and the realization that Hello Kitty was everywhere you could look; Mandi decided to recreate characters/objects/celebrities she loved in the form of little Hello Kitty ice-creams. Super Heroes, Sci-Fi, Horror, and Murder Mysteries are just some of the topics covered – most things chosen and recreated as they were when she was a kid falling in love with them for the first time.
Each kitty is individually crafted from oven bake clay, painted, and glazed. Right now there are 101. You can follow Mandi’s trip through time as she expands her pop-culture/kitsch collection working towards the goal of 365, one for every day of the year.
Mandi is an all ‘round nerdy kind of girl, with a creative streak, a love for lame puns, all things garishly cute, and the horrendously tacky. Her artistic crank is often turned by records, pin-ups, taxidermy, minuscule things, and wind-up toys. She graduated from Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (MUN) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and has found herself working in art galleries and frame shops ever since.
- Artist / Blogger / Project Co-ordinator: Mandi Coates
- Guest Contributor / Project Co-ordinator: JoAnne Petten
- Project and Web Support: Chris Skanes
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