Cullen Sweet is everything you would expect from a comic book loving Irishman. His kind hearted charismatic personality has made him a multitude of friends and connections in the world of comics, scifi, film and television. If it’s geeky, odds are Cullen has done it, from tabletop game testing to organizing comic book conventions. In fact, Cullen plays a role in so many geek related projects, we swear he doesn’t sleep!
Cullen’s most recent project of note is that of San Diego Comic Fest, a San Diego based comic book convention created by some of the same founders and committee members as the world famous San Diego Comic-Con. This convention recreates Comic-Con’s early roots as an exact replica of how things were in their infancy stage. Although they have only recently begun to spread news of their existence, Comic Fest has already been immortalized as the two minute opening couch gag on the televised show The Simpsons. That’s right, The Simpsons! Now that’s one way to get your entity known!
If you have never met Cullen Sweet in person, this man about town can always be found walking the floor at SDCC, WonderCon, APE Con, and almost every other geek related event under the sun. We highly encourage you to stop him and say hello. As possibly one of the sweetest people you will ever meet (pun intended), Cullen is someone we are absolutely thrilled to have on this years team.
Hobbies include: comic books, tabletop games, dungeons and dragons, craft brewing, memorizing Star Wars trivia, and milking his Netflix subscription for all its worth.
Desires his last words to be: “Hold my beer and watch this!”
- Twitter: @GeekVersusNerd
- Instagram: @GeekVersusNerd
- Official Website: GeekVersusNerd.com