Spokast Podcast is a homegrown, local podcast from good ol’ Spokane, WA that covers just about anything and everything you can think of. Created and co-hosted by two media guys with past experience in local television production (that they love to moan and groan about), Spokast is more than just a podcast about the area. They talk about movies, books, other podcasts, politics, history, science, food, events, activities, and anything else they can think of. They also have a long list of special guests that have included TV weather people, audio engineers, gamer chicks, children’s authors, history teachers, marketing specialists, chemists, mechanical engineers, retirees, TV directors, and more. They embrace every bit of geeky culture – from WWII reenacting to cosplaying at anime conventions to discussing media technology to making short films – and they have an excellent time doing it. Spokast is funny, insightful, usually NSFW, and always trying new things.
- Creator/CoHost: Blake Nelson, Creator/CoHost: Russell Silva
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