Spiffing Jewelry creates unique, handmade jewelry and men’s accessories for a wide variety of fandoms, as well as custom work. We specialize only in those fandoms of which we are superfans. Nick, for example, is a Star Wars nerd from birth, who introduced his wife, Annie, to Star Wars on prom night. She, in turn, asked him to read Harry Potter, and their love was a match made in geekdom from the start. Spiffing creates each piece completely by hand, from cutting the metal, stamping each letter of each geeky word, finishing to the highest standards of quality and packaging each piece with love.
- Owner/Designer: Annie Nygard
- Owner/Designer: Nick Nygard
- Owner/Designer: Tara Caldwell
- Customer Service: Krista Sua
- Stamping/Metalwork: Christy Zinga
- Production/Shipping: Kishia Krebbs
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