We are a duo writing team with a focus in Screenplays (feature, short, and animation), Short Prose, and Comic Books (production, writing, adaptation, and lettering). We are based out of Austin, Texas, but collaborate with other artists on projects all over the World.
RUIN is a graphic novel about a nomadic survivalist trying to make ends meet in a future dystopia after humans have destroyed the civilization they worked so hard to build, leaving only a vast wasteland of primal human behavior with little hope for repair. It’s the year 4602 and our protagonist, Ayden, is scouring the harsh desert badlands with only a map and his three-legged canine companion, Sasha. His only friend is a wildly intelligent Doberman who speaks to him in pictograms and puzzles, often providing comic relief and good advice to the wayfarer. Ayden is on a mission to rescue his kidnapped sister from the fallen city of Ataraxis, the capital of debauchery and depravity on the Outer-Terra. He and his companion will have to use their wits and determination to fight off hoards of sinister mutants, unbridled aliens, and only the most abhorrent characters of what’s left of the human race. Repair and rebuild are not part of this future vocabulary; it’s scavenge and survive at all costs.
- Writer/Letterer: Darker Sho
- Artist/Colorist: Ruben Rojas
- Editor: June
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