Limited edition original 8-bit Doctor Who fine art prints, made by placing individual pixels one-by-one.
The PixelWho project came about through a desire of the artist to combine his passion for the British science fiction program “Doctor Who” with the 8-bit artistic style of 80’s video games, which also carries a great deal of nostalgia for him. It is an attempt to be the most complete catalog of Doctor Who characters in order to celebrate the creativity and dedication of all the artists who have worked on the program over the last 50 years.
The overall goal is to document every character, both significant and incidental, from every Doctor’s respective movie/series runs. The artist freeze frames DVDs and scours episode screen captures in order to recreate each character accurately and roughly to scale. The characters are placed in story order so that each poster functions as a visual episode guide to the series. Every pixel is individually laid by hand; no computer conversion program is used.
This art form is a true labor of love which requires dedication and time. For example David Tennant’s (10th Doctor) poster took 5 months of work to create and contains 545 characters. The lost episodes of William Hartnell’s (the 1st Doctor’s) era were recreated by referencing production photos, telesnaps, and promotional materials to ensure its completeness. The artist puts just as much work and love into his smaller art prints as well. For example the Exploding TARDIS image was meticulously recreated from scratch by placing individual pixels and half pixel triangles over the course of 4 weeks. The goal of this ongoing project is to be pixel perfect and create a complete visual character dictionary for Doctor Who fans.
The smaller PixelWho items and posters are printed locally in Virginia in support of small business. The large Doctor posters (1st, 4th, and 10th) are printed in Florida by a specialized eco-friendly printer. The printing of each Doctor poster set saves 1/3 of a tree, 133 gallons of water, 100,000 BTUs of energy, 8 pounds of solid waste and 30 pounds of greenhouse gasses over traditional offset printing methods. The paper they’re printed on is made with 100% recycled fiber, 60% of which is post-consumer and the inks are soy-based. All processing is chlorine-free and the printing plant is run on renewable energy and is offset by carbon credits.
If you would like to support this ongoing art project, visit PixelWho’s Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1317761377/pixelwho-project-ii-the-next-regeneration
You can also purchase products on PixelWho’s Etsy Shop: www.etsy.com/shop/pixelwho/
- Artist and Designer: Nathan Skreslet
- Business Manager: Ly Cao