2014 Cosplay Nominees Share: Tweet Totoro Ball Gown by Dustbunny Trolloc Fist from Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time Brienne of Tarth, Game of Thrones Bioshock Big Daddy Bouncer Steampunk Rowena Ravenclaw 2014 Top 10 Cosplay (in no order) She-ra Princess of Power – Battle Damaged Steampunk Rowena Ravenclaw Saxa Cosplay – Spartacus: War of the Damned Brienne of Tarth, Game of Thrones Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite by Riri Marvel Now Psylocke by Caroline Cosplay Bioshock Big Daddy Bouncer The King of Cosplay Comedy Totoro Ball Gown by Dustbunny Trolloc Fist from Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time