Ron is a storyteller, and has been getting his geek on way back when he first rolled a twenty sided die at age eight. Since then Ron has been telling, sharing, and showing stories through film and video. He’s tried many things within the Geek community such as LARPing, CONs, Card Games, Figures but one day hopes to bring fans the fantasy films we all deserve. He is an award winning filmmaker and loves being a part of the www.legendarium.me community. Ron is a fanatic when it comes to film and video content and some of his work can been seen at his award winning film’s site, www.TheFellowsHipMovie.com.
Currently, Ron is producing the upcoming project TheRangersFilm.com – an epic action/adventure fantasy. You can help support the film via the Kickstarter: kickstarter.com/projects/498178287/the-rangers