Ballsy and geeky are definitely the first words that come to mind when meeting the Star Wars obsessed Leia! When she’s not blogging it up as a co-founder of Sub-Cultured.com, she has been known to interview industry greats, such as Stan Lee, Scott Snyder, and Ashley Eckstein, helped organize speed dating panels at Texas conventions to help others find love, and even finds the time to guest on the only all female webcast in Texas, Fangirls: Dames of the Round Table!
Leia spends most of her downtime fangirling over Doctor Who, anything Monster Hunter, the aforementioned Star Wars franchise, video games, and various manga/anime series. To say that all of this is expected from the only female comic book store manager in the Dallas area would be completely fair, especially when you take into account she has enough comic books to make anyone weep with jealousy, and regularly participates in discussions and events surrounding females in the comics retail industry, also known as The Valkyries.
Follow her on:
Site: www.Sub-Cultured.com
Twitter: @ladyvader99/@sub_cultured
Tumblr: ladyvader99.tumblr.com
Instagram: @ladyvader99