Since more than 10 years costumes and cosplay are her world. Being enchanted by the very first Lord of the Rings movie, now fabrics, braids, wigs and worblas are her favorite things to play with –not to forget consoles and her retro gaming love interest Gameboy. When it comes to costume choosing all kind of western cosplay genres are her inspiration. She also has a passion and expertise for historical costumes, based on her being member of a stunt fight crew with a focus on sword playing shows at renaissance fairs like the Kaltenberg Medieval Festival, the world’s largest knights tournament.
Loving also Live Action Role-Playing she produced a LARP-Trailer in 2012. This project got her in touch with entertainment industry in Germany, giving her the opportunity to enjoy both acting and creating costumes for TV and youtube productions.
With her husband and fellow geek Frank she is also a host and judge at cosplay contests such as Ring*con, Fedcon or Munich Comic Festival.
Follow the vonPuchs on facebook at www.facebook.com/vonpuch and Kes on twitter @kes_von_puch