Juan Carlos Bagnell is a voice over casting director and multimedia producer living in Los Angeles, and while he’s an established audio engineer and director, he’s passionate about the entire production process. Co-creator and co-host of the popular film review show ‘Movies You May Have Missed’, Juan has lent his talents to a number of exciting projects including horror films (he can be seen on camera in ‘The ABC’s of Death’), documentaries, and web series like ‘Shelf Life’ and ‘BatGirl: Spoiled’.
Recently Juan has also been embracing his love of technology, producing commentary and reviews on consumer electronics for SomeGadgetGuy.com. He can regularly be found as a pundit on local news and satellite radio, and his articles have been featured on The Examiner and TruthDig.com.
Juan is honored to be a part of The Geekie Awards judging panel, and is looking forward to checking out all of the exciting work being produced by these fine nominees. Always down for geek-chat, you can find Juan on Twitter @SomeAudioGuy, or you can catch him on his Youtube Channel SomeGadgetGuy.