Former New Line Cinema veterans Jane Fleming and Mark Ordesky are founding partners in Court Five, a multi-platform media company that develops and converts diverse intellectual properties and brands into bold filmed entertainment. The studio output of the Court Five partners ranges from The Lord Of The Rings trilogy to The Frozen Ground; Oscar, Golden Globe and Palme D’Or winners like Shine and Dancer In The Dark; and multiple films from beloved action superstar Jackie Chan. Currently on ABC Network from Court Five is The Quest, with Lionsgate set to release Court Five’s EXISTS in theaters and VOD this October. Fleming is a former president of Women In Film, and currently Chair of Women In Films Cares, a philanthropic initiative created to galvanize media support for charities around the world. Ordesky is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Producer’s Guild of America. He is also an Associate National Commissioner of the Anti-Defamation League, and a board member of the American Cinemateque and the Chi Phi Fraternity Educational Trust.