I shoot and edit all my photos on iOS devices. So, I capture them with my iPhone and edit them with my iPad. I use anywhere from 5-17 applications for one photo.
While I enjoy all different types of photography, I LOVE Geekie Iphonography, and how I scratch that itch is being one of the main contributing photographers @TheRealStanLee.com and RealStanLee on Instagram!
Photography is a lot like filmmaking in the sense that I start with framing the photo, which is not unlike story boarding or framing a shot, and then I see what the photo can be, shoot it, I then edit and refine the details and make it look as distinct and spiffy as possible, post production! I try not to “add” things, my job is just to enhance what’s already there.
Photo Descriptions
Image 1: “TV Host”
Probably my favorite shot. This is one of the last times Kevin Pereira hosted Attack Of The Show before he left, it was cancelled soon after. I had the honor of being on set when this candid opportunity presented it self, I edited it in the shows signature color and theme and every time I revisit it, It brings back a lot of memories. AOTS, X-PLAY, G4, I miss ya.
Image 2: “The Chosen One”
This was taken at last years Comicaze. Hot chick with a sword in Cosplay VS a Robot, what’s not to love?
Image 3: “Stan The Man Lee”
The legend him self… This beauty was taken at Venice Beach when Lou Ferrigno was being inducted into the Muscle Beach Hall Of Fame. I love the golden, heroic, strong men statues around him. He created heroes, Props to The Geekies for honoring such a man!
Image 4: “MacroBat”
I shot this small Heroclix figure with a macro lens on top of Snyders’ Batman #1.
Image 5: “The Porcelain Girl”
Another shot from Stan Lee’s Comicaze, I found her sitting like this on her cell phone, when I asked for a photo she started to stand up, I was like “NO, NO, NO! Just stay where you are!” I was surprised at the elegance, grace and peace in this photo since I was yelling at her just a moment ago.
Image 6: “Don’t F#*k with Harley!”
Seriously, She’ll mess you up… with AHHHDORABLENESS!
Image 7: “My Turn”
The Mark I…need I say anything more?!
Image 8: “Game Time”
I love this shot of this Banner at E3. Gamers rejoice.
Image 9: “FlashPointSupes”
I shot this small Flashpoint Heroclix figure with a macro lens on top of a new 52 Superman comic.
Image 10: “The Force Is Strong In The Next Generation”
This shot was taken at the mother of all conventions, COMIC-CON 2013.
I believe it encompasses everything it means to be a geek. In fact, this shot brings to mind a great quote by Simon Pegg…
“Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.”
Photographer Wes Calimer
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