CORPORATICA is the dystopian, futuristic story of MIG who is an Iraq War veteran struggling with severe PTSD. 25 years after the war, MiG lives in what is left of Detroit, Michigan. Corporatica, the massive city-state super structure is his employer and his “duties” have just gotten very odd. Controlled by shape shifting demons called the “MR’S”, MiG must battle cloned police officers chipped with highly advanced technological nervous systems and strange demons which torment his struggle to face reality. Only the young, bold leader, “Tayler”, leader of the CADRE against Corporatica can help him defeat the highest levels of evil and corruption. MiG’s final battle will soon be upon him as he uncovers CORPORATICA’S deepest and most haunting secret yet!
- Created and written by William Bryant
- Artwork by Pedro Elefante
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