Jessa Phillips is the Founder, Editor in Chief & Broadcasting Director of GoodToBeAGeek.com, a website devoted to celebrating fandom of all types. From her “Boston-adjacent” location, she blogs about anything which appeals to her inner geek – from video games, anime, and tech to movies, television and web entertainment. Good To Be a Geek content also appears on NerdSpan and RocketLlama. As Broadcasting Director, she produces a number of podcasts, including Good To Be A Gamer, which provides video game industry news accompanied by honest opinions.
In addition to her work on GoodToBeAGeek.com, Jessa has written for Game Tyrant, Action Flick Chick, RevolutionSF.com, Geek Girls Network and Hour 42. She was featured as “Voice of a Gamer” by the Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA). She has made many guest appearances on podcasts, including The Post Game Report, Earth Station One, RevolutionSF RevCast, Shauncastic, GeekMoms Podcast and many others. You can also find Jessa at many conventions where she appears as a panelist discussing video games and the gaming industry, sci-fi and fandom. Some of her recent convention appearances include DragonCon, ConnectiCon, Arisia.
Check out her site GoodToBeAGeek.com, or follow her on Twitter @SultryMinxZoe.