Heavily interested in fashion and the arts, she went to schooling in Japan and London, as well as furthering her education in styling in the states. She then was discovered by Kotobukiya Japan and was featured as one of the main cosplayers in the book Otacool 2, which became a worldwide success. She then became a teacher all around the Bay Area, but still eager to be more creative she then collaborated with Street Fighter HD Remix Artist Long Vo to create artwork and a comic for Udon Entertainment’s book. Soon after her love for toys became her lifestyle, with artistic collaborations with KusoVinyl, Sideshow Toy’s Tim Miller, Nakanari for Gibson Guitar and more recently her collab with Kid Robot nationwide with her Zombie Series with artist Jryu. She actively works with other companies around the world trying to promote cosplay in a good light to all avenues and genre’s, as well as working with non-profit organizations to help Japan, Philippines, and raises funds in her hometown to help the hungry . She was also part of the Nerdist show all about the world of cosplay called Just Cos, that features all cosplayers for all walks of life, and their stories. She continues to keep pushing for creative freedom in all mediums and loves to teach everyone she can about Otaku lifestyles.