Special Guests

Khail Anonymous
Live Show Host
Nerd-Bait, ETC: Machinima, Friendly Fire, and How It Should Have Ended.

Stan Lee
Spider-Man™, Incredible Hulk™, X-Men™, The Fantastic Four™, Iron Man,™ and hundreds of others

Gale Anne Hurd
Award Recipient
The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, and The Ghost and the Darkness

Levar Burton
Award Recipient
Kunta Kinte, Reading Rainbow, and Star Trek: The Next Generation

Curtis Armstrong & Robert Carradine
King of the Nerds, Risky Business, and Django

Mark Ordesky & Jane Fleming
Lord of the Rings, The Quest

Wendy Pini
Elfquest, Masque of the Red Death, Galaxy, and Worlds of If

Alison Haislip
Battleground, Saturn Returns, The Nerdist, and The Morning After

Jason Charles Miller
Godhead, The Legend of Korra, and World of Warcraft

Kaj-Erik Eriksen
See No Evil 2, Tru Calling, Stephen King's Dead Zone, and Star Trek: Enterprise